Digital Export Marketing


Are you looking to expand your manufacturer or supplier business on a global scale, increase your exports, and strengthen your digital presence? You've come to the right place! We offer not only proven SEO-friendly strategies in digital export marketing but also comprehensive solutions. In addition to boosting your website to the top ranks in search engine rankings, we also contribute to increasing your export sales by attracting a broader international audience. We are delighted to collaborate with you to make your brand a global force and stand out in the digital world! Let's work together to maximize your business potential!


digital marketing for exporters
digital export marketing

Digital Export Marketing Steps

export digital marketing

Digital Export Marketing Process

Step 1

Export Market Research

It starts with analyzing the countries targeted for exports, identifying and evaluating potential markets.

export market research
Step 2

Keyword Research and Targeting

This involves analyzing and planning keywords for targeted markets to optimize digital assets for increased organic visibility.
international seo agency
Step 3

Competitor Analysis

Examining competitors' digital marketing strategies to differentiate your own strategy and gain a competitive advantage.

competitor analysis
Step 4

Multilingual Website Design

Designing website that are SEO-friendly and culturally appropriate for the targeted countries' languages to improve search engine rankings and reach the target audience effectively.

multilingual website
Step 5

Technical SEO Optimization

It is the process of implementing technical improvements to enhance a website's understanding and indexing by search engines, thereby boosting its rankings.

international digital marketing agency
Step 6

Social Media Optimization

Strategic efforts on social media platforms to enhance a website's search engine rankings. These efforts involve various optimizations aimed at increasing brand awareness, making content shareable, and directing traffic to the website.

social media optimization
Step 7

PPC Digital Advertising

Implementing paid advertising campaigns on Google targeting specific keywords to achieve quick results and reach the target audience.

digital advertising
Step 8

Link Building (Off-Page SEO)

Optimizing the website externally, particularly through backlink building and increasing inbound links from other websites to enhance website authority and organic visibility.

backlink building
Step 9

Analysis and Improvement

Continuously monitoring and analyzing digital marketing efforts to enhance strategies based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and customer feedback.

global digital agency
digital marketing agency
what is digital export marketing

What is Digital Export Marketing?

Digital export marketing is the use of digital tools, platforms, and strategies to promote and sell products or services to international markets. This involves leveraging various online channels such as websites, social media, search engines, and digital advertising to reach and engage potential customers worldwide. Digital export marketing enables businesses to expand their global reach, increase brand awareness, and boost sales in foreign markets by harnessing the power of the internet and digital technologies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need digital export marketing?

Digital export marketing expands your customer base by promoting your products and services in global markets, increasing your export sales, and strengthening your international brand visibility. This helps you boost revenues and market share. Unlike traditional marketing methods, digital marketing allows you to reach a wide audience at lower costs and provides direct access to targeted customers.

How can digital export marketing increase our export sales?

Digital export marketing enables you to promote your products and services in international markets, reaching a broader customer base. Through strategies such as SEO, targeted digital advertising campaigns, and social media marketing, you can directly reach potential customers and increase your sales.

What is the difference between digital export marketing and traditional export marketing?

Digital export marketing allows you to reach a broader audience at a lower cost. Digital tools and strategies help you accurately target your audience and reach them directly. Additionally, you can measure the success of digital campaigns, optimize your marketing strategies with this data, and increase sales conversion rates by reaching the right customers.

Does the size of our business matter when obtaining digital export marketing services?

No, the size of your business does not matter. We offer solutions for small, medium, and large-scale businesses. We develop customized strategies for each business.

How long does it take for digital marketing strategies to show results?

The effectiveness of strategies varies depending on the industry, competitors, and target markets. Typically, initial results can start to be seen within 3-6 months. For long-term and sustainable growth, we continuously optimize and evaluate our approach.

How do I start your digital marketing services?

To initiate our services, you can contact us to request a free consultation and analysis. After identifying your business needs and goals, we will create a customized plan for you and begin implementation.